Advanced Marketing: How To Leverage VisitorView Data


VisitorView is our automated lead capture script. You install it onto your website to automatically get and skip-trace some of your website's visitors.

Using VV_ Data For Dynamic Postcards

These tags contain data from the last page the lead was on before they were captured by VisitorView.

  • VV_TITLE - Title of the last page the lead was on before they were captured by visitor view.

  • VV_IMAGE - The share image of the last page the lead was on before they were captured by Visitor View.

  • VV_LAST_URL - The URL of the last page the lead was on before they landed on the page with visitor view installed.

Pass Your Own Custom Data to VisitorView

On a web page with visitor view installed, set:

<meta content="Custom Data #1" property="thanks1"/>
<meta content="Custom Data #2" property="thanks2"/>

To push any data to Custom 1 or Custom 2 for the captured recipient. Set content to your custom data, and set the property to thanks1 or thanks2.