Get Notified On QR Scan via Zapier


You can leverage Zapier to notify you when someone scans a postcard using's 'QR Code Scan' trigger in Zapier.

We will provide you with all of the data that pertains to the mailers as we know it, so you can update your CRM or System.

Tip: Save emails and phone numbers in mailing lists to make it easy to use client lookup functions/searches in your Zaps.

Example Zap: Create A Follow-up Task From A QR Scan

The most common and important notification type is to perform a followup. When you are sending mail that you want people to scan, when they do take that action you'll want to contact them to followup and ensure they got what they wanted from your QR code. Creating a task in your CRM or System to do just that is easy with this automation.

Follow the links below to create your own version now.