4. Automate!


If you've talked to anyone on the Thanks.io team, you probably know that we all highly recommend you start with a campaign that re-engages the leads or contacts you already have, instead of trying to use direct mail to generate New "FRESH" leads.

There are a few reasons for this, which we'll quickly bullet point here below.

👉 Generating fresh leads with mail requires a fair amount of money to test new ideas on large sample sizes. It also requires considerable patience... it could take months and a number of tests and iterations to figure out what really works on a cold audience who doesn't know you yet. If you don't have $1000's to invest in a cold lead generation campaign, focusing on re-engagement is better.

👉 The people you've already worked with are MUCH more likely to respond to a mail campaign and re-engage, leave a review, or refer someone to you.... because, yep, they already know you and trust you on some level. (or if you're using automation for lead follow up, they would have seen your website or lead magnet in recent memory.)

👉 It's pretty easy, and affordable to "set and forget" campaigns that automatically re-engage your current contacts. Thanks.io can be connected up to your CRM or Shopping cart. Or you can upload a contact list and automate using our campaign features like date based, birthday, holiday, and "staggered send" options. After the initial setup (which we'll help you with), your re-engagement mail will go out on autopilot. Our goal is to make it so you hardly ever even need to login to the platform after the first few days!

👉 We're called "Thanks" for a reason :) The initial idea for this company was based around automatically sending a postcard as a follow up "conversion booster" to leads we we're generating online. We've consistently grown our own business by using digital ads to generate fresh opportunities, and our own platform (combined with other retargeting channels) to re-engage and convert the leads we generate into paying customers. We suggest you do the same :)


Examples of some ideas we can help you execute:

  • Sending Automated Birthday or Holiday cards to your past client database.

  • Sending automated retargeting postcards to your anonymous website visitors.

  • Sending automated thank you notes and gift cards to people who send you a referral.

  • Dropping something in the mail to help generate more engagement from sales leads and purchases that occur on your website.

If you'd like to see specific examples, or would like help implementing any of the above for your business, you chat with us from the dashboard or click here to schedule a 1 on 1 concierge session.

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